I, the undersigned, authorize, free of charge and without time limits, also in accordance with articles 10 and 320 of the Civil Code and articles 96 and 97 of Law 22.4.1941, No. 633 – Copyright Law – the transmission and publication and/or dissemination in any form of audio, video, or photographic material in which the undersigned appears or is otherwise recognizable.
Audio-video-photographic material that compromises the dignity or decorum of the individuals involved will not be subject to processing and will be immediately deleted from the Archives of Kaaral srl.
Publication/dissemination may occur:
- on Kaaral and KIM websites, located at da Piane Sant’Angelo, San Salvo (CH) 66050, Italia;
- on the social channels of Kaaral and Kaaral Awards (Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn);
- in print and/or on any other means of distribution/publication, including unconventional ones;
I also authorize the retention of the aforementioned material in the association’s computer archives and acknowledge that the purpose of such publications is informative and educational. The video-photographic material will not be used for commercial purposes.
This authorization excludes any use for profit and transfer to third parties.
Considering that once the aforementioned material is made public, it may be acquired and republished by third parties, even without the consent of Kaaral srl or the individual concerned,
I release Kaaral Srl from any prejudicial effects that may arise from abusive or incorrect use by third parties of the aforementioned audio-photo-video material.
I confirm that I have nothing to claim in relation to the above and irrevocably waive any rights, actions, or claims arising from the above authorization.